Verify Certificate


The course complies with the IMO STCW 2010, Regulation I/6 A-II/1, the IMO ISM Code 6.3 and 6.5, Resolution A.817(19), amended by MSC.232(82) based on the operational use of the FURUNO ECDIS, model FEA-2017/FEA-2807. The training complies with FURUNO type-specific training syllabus and course outline. Duration: 2 days


FURUNO Computer-Based Type-Specific ECDIS trained on the ECDIS model FMD-3100/FMD-3200/FMD-3300 and the Chart Radar model FCR-21×9/FCR-28×9 and FAR-3xxx series when these are used solely in ECDIS mode. The course complies with Regulation I/14 of the IMO STCW 1978 Convention as amended, in recognition of the provisions in Table A-II/1-3 of the STCW Code and sections […]

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