Verify Certificate

Cook Islands Flag Vessel Registration

The Cook Islands operates an open register for ships and yachts. Cook Islands requires that all ships that fly their flag comply with all of the relevant international maritime conventions as per IMO Conventions and IACS Unified Interpretations.


Merchant Ship registration

  1. Provisional Registration
  2. The vessel registration process is commenced by completing an Application for Registration’ available through us.
  3. The Application Form is to be accompanied by:
  • Owners Details
  1. Bill of Sale / Builders Certificate
  2. Evidence of Shareholding of Owners (if more than one owner)
  3. Completed CISOA or CIYS membership application
  • Declaration
  1. Power of Attorney*
  • Other
  1. Signed and witnessed application form
  2. Copy of Charter agreement* (if charter registration)
  3. Written consent from underlying flag to charter to Cook Islands flag (if charter registration)
  4. Copy of Power of Attorney (if the applicant is an authorised officer of the owner)


Permanent Registration

  • Owner Details
  1. Company Certificate / CISOA or CIYS membership letter
  • Other
  1. Carving and Markings Note, including a current photo of the vessel
  2. Pre-Registration Inspection (if applicable)
  3. Proof of Deletion from the previous flag (if charter registration)
  4. Proof of suspension from the previous flag (if charter registration)
  5. Completed copies of all previous closed CR (as per SOLAS Chapter XI-1 Regulation 5-8) (all vessels over 500GT)
  6. Copy of P&I policy evidencing financial security for MLC regulation 2.5 and 4.2 (applicable to all commercial vessels; MCI requires that the MLC financial security is maintained, and will require evidence that it is maintained) (for commercially operated vessels, excluding unmanned barges)


Vessel certification

  • Nairobi International Convention on the removal of Wrecks, 2007
  • International Convention on Civil Liability for Bunker Oil Pollution Damage 2001
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